To best serve your startup’s needs, AccelerateIP is offered in collaboration with a diverse group of partners who will be contributing through mentorship, events, and other support. The partners, which are based across the regions of BC, Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, include:
Program Partners
- Accelerate Okanagan
- Ampere (f.k.a Pinnguaq)
- BC Tech Association
- entrepreneurship@UBC
- Foresight Canada
- Hubspace
- Innovation Island
- Kamloops Innovation Centre
- KAST – Kootenay Association for Science & Technology
- Life Sciences BC
- SFU VentureLabs
- Spring
- Tech Yukon
- VIATEC – Victoria Innovation, Advanced Technology and Entrepreneurship Council

We are also working with the following collaborator organizations:
- Innovate BC (Prime Collaborator)
- CICE – BC Centre for Innovation and Clean Energy
- Council of Canadian Innovators
- Creative Destruction Lab, Vancouver
- Genome BC
- InBC Investment Corp.
- Innovation Asset Collective
- Northwest Territories Business Development Investment Corp.
- Province of British Columbia – Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development, and Innovation
- SDECB – Société de développement économique de la Colombie-Britannique
- South Island Prosperity Partnership
- UVic Innovation Centre
- Volition