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New Ventures BC and AccelerateIP Code of Conduct

New Ventures BC (NVBC) and AccelerateIP commits to providing a safe, harassment-free environment for participants attending all online and in-person events and programs we host.

We invite you to help us make all events welcoming and respectful for all participants, regardless of race, gender, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, national origin, class, ethnicity, or religion. Harassment, discrimination, and other exclusionary behaviours are not acceptable.

Participants asked to stop any harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. Organizers hold the right to expel any persons from an event or program that we feel is in opposition to this code of conduct.

If you feel that someone has violated the Code of Conduct, please bring your concerns to the immediate attention of New Ventures BC. Please email, or call 604-602-5202.

The anonymity of reports will be maintained if requested by the reporter. You will receive a reply within 48 business hours.