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Bringing new innovations and products to market requires a combination of strategic planning, meticulous execution, and a deep understanding of customer needs and industry trends. That’s why a company that can serve as a key partner across all stages of product development — from manufacturing to testing to consulting  — is set up well for success. 

Seron Electronics is a leading provider of cutting-edge electronic equipment and services, working with industries that require high-precision measurements and instrumentation. The Vancouver startup caters to sectors that rely heavily on R&D, including clean energy, electronics, biomedicine, robotics, optics, and energy storage. 

Their wide range of platforms assist clients at every stage of their projects, from conceptualization to market readiness. One of Seron’s key differentiators is their ability to customize solutions to meet specific needs — ensuring a smooth and seamless integration into their clients design processes. Given the nature of their work and the personalized approach they take for each client, owning IP has become a critical component to Seron’s business. 

The AccelerateIP Program helped Seron efficiently secure IP rights, which allowed them to scale their R&D activities and explore new markets. Seron’s CEO and Founder, Seyed Mo Mirvakili, noted that the program ‘filled a critical gap’ for his startup, which needed the resources and support to protect their innovations. 

We sat down with Seyed to learn more about his program experience and the advice he has for other founders who need IP support.

Tell us about your experience going through the AccelerateIP Program.
Seyed: The AccelerateIP Program has filled a critical gap for startups in Canada by providing essential support for intellectual property (IP) protection. While there are various government programs for startups, very few focus on IP. This program was a much-needed initiative, and I’m pleased that the government recognized its importance. The AccelerateIP Program has been instrumental in helping our company secure valuable IP rights.

What led you to apply for the program?
Seyed: Our research activities are expanding rapidly, and it’s crucial to protect our novel innovations. We applied to the AccelerateIP Program because it provided the necessary resources to secure our intellectual property efficiently. The program has been invaluable in supporting these activities and ensuring that our innovations remain safeguarded.

There are several benefits to owning IP, including gaining competitive advantages, adding new revenue streams, and enhancing your company’s reputation. What’s been the biggest benefit for your startup?
Seyed: The biggest benefits we’ve gained include achieving a competitive advantage and enriching our IP portfolio. By securing our intellectual property through the AccelerateIP Program, we’ve strengthened our position in the market and ensured that our innovative products and solutions are well-protected.

What advice do you have for founders who are going through the program?
Seyed: My advice to founders would be to build a solid understanding of IP protection before diving in. Educate yourself on the nuances of IP law, then collaborate with a reputable patent lawyer to execute your protection strategies effectively. Proper planning and professional guidance are crucial to maximizing the benefits of this program.

What’s next for your company?
Seyed: We are currently in the process of expanding our research and product development activities. With a stronger IP portfolio, we’re exploring new markets and opportunities to accelerate our growth and innovation.

For example, this summer we’re launching a compact and portable version of our programmable power platform called the SE Nano. This product launch allows us to continue our commitment to democratizing scientific innovation through an affordable tool, useful for professionals and hobbyists alike. 

If your startup is interested in accessing IP support to grow and protect your ideas and intellectual assets, apply for our AccelerateIP Program.